Meanwhile at home.... I have started running my dogs again with my scooter. I started out with short runs along the neighborhood sidewalks. Now I am taking them down the street to the local park where we can run along the river for longer distances. I am seriously considering going to Washington state for the Pacific Northwest Dryland Championships. I was second there last year. I doubt I can win because my dogs have lost so much training time. It would be nice to go and just be part of that scene again. The dates are Oct 24th and 25th. The location is Roslyn Washington. Roslyn is slightly famous because they filmed the TV show "Northern Exposure" there. The way things are going I think I might still be waiting for my transplant. It might be my last opportunity for a long time to race my dogs.
I forgot to ask my doctor if getting off my ass was right for me. I went ahead anyway and started riding my bike again. At first I thought I would get out of breath and fall off but that didn't happen. My red cell count is still low but not much below normal. I can't go real fast but I have been riding up to thirty miles almost every day now. I have gained about two thirds of the weight I lost and my legs look a little more normal now. Only two recumbents (the shame) have passed me and that was a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the update on your medical stuff and thanks for the video. Inspirational on many levels.
Dude! That video rocks! What would we do without our canine families? Crossing my fingers for good news in the test results...